Creating an Embed for CanIUse
Like a lot of developers, I use caniuse a lot. Additionally, because of this blog, I frequently reference support for particular features and wanted a way of providing up-to-date information from caniuse within a post.
So, I decided to create an (unofficial, but with permission) embed for caniuse. For example -
Create an embed | View on Github
Creating the Embed #
Having never done something like this before, here is how I created this embed.
1. Hosting the Embedded Document #
The embed is an iframe that loads a particular document. This document is hosted via Github Pages at -
This url accepts 2 parameters -
- the ID of the feature on caniuseperiods
- The browser versions to display, e.g.current
For example, for the "CSS 2D Transforms" feature above, the embed is hosted at -,current,past_1,past_2
2. Getting the Relevant Data #
The caniuse data is made publicly available in raw json format with a CC BY 4.0 licence. Performing an XMLHttpRequest
on full data file, we get the following object returned -
agents: Object // List of browsers
cats: Object // List of categories
data: Object // List of features
eras: Object
statuses: Object
Based on the featured ID that was passed through the URL, we can get the relevant feature data -
var featureID = location.href.split('?feat=')[1],
featureID = featureID.split('&periods=')[0];
loadJSON(caniuseDataUrl, function(res) {
var feature =[featureID];
We now have the feature object with the following information -
categories: Array[1]
chrome_id: "6437640580628480"
description: "Method of transforming an element including rotating, scaling, etc. Includes support for `transform` as well as `transform-origin` properties."
firefox_id: ""
ie_id: "transforms"
keywords: "transformation,translate,rotation,rotate,scale,css-transforms,transform-origin,transform:rotate,transform:scale"
links: Array[7]
notes: "The scale transform can be emulated in IE < 9 using Microsoft's "zoom" extension, others are (not easily) possible using the MS Matrix filter"
notes_by_num: Object
parent: ""
spec: ""
stats: Object // Support data for each browser
status: "wd"
title: "CSS3 2D Transforms"
ucprefix: false
usage_perc_a: 0
usage_perc_y: 91.38
webkit_id: ""
Once we have the relevant data, it just needs to be displayed in the document and styled appropriately.
3. Using a Placeholder for the Embed #
To actually display the embed in an HTML document, you use a placeholder. For example -
<p class="ciu_embed" data-feature="transforms2d" data-periods="future_1,current,past_1,past_2">
<a href="">Can I Use transforms2d?</a>
Data on support for the transforms2d feature across the major browsers from
By using a placeholder, we are able to provide a fallback (the content within the <p>
tags) for situations where an iframe can't be loaded.
For example, if you're reading this article via the email newsletter, I used an image of the embed as the fallback instead of just text.
4. Loading the Embedded Document #
Finally, to swap the placeholder for the actual iframe, I created a small script, which should be loaded onto any page with the embed.
<script src=""></script>
This script does a few things -
- Finds all elements with the class
and swaps the fallback content with the iframe. - Determines what feature to load from the
attribute and adds the relevant ID to thefeat
parameter - Determines what browser versions to display from the
attribute and adds the relevant information to theperiods
parameter - Calculates the correct sizing of the
responsively depending on the contents
You can view the source for the embed on github or visit to create an embed to use yourself.