Web Push Notifications with Firebase (Video Series)

When I attended Google Developers Days Europe a couple of weeks ago, I was introduced to Firebase’s new Cloud Functions feature. Firebase Cloud Functions allow us to write server-side code without the need to create and manage our own backend, and the functions we create can be as simple or complex as we need them to be.

One particular use case I was interested in was how to use Firebase to set up Web Push Notifications feature from client-side to server-side. There is a really great Codelab that demonstrates this, but I decided to create a small project myself to highlight just this feature.

Simply Notify #

Simply Notify Screenshot

Simply Notify is a simple application that just does one thing - it sends a push notification with a message to everyone subscribed.

To demonstrate how I built it, I created a short video series. You can watch the videos below:

Part 1 - Introduction & Firebase Setup #

Part 1 - Introduction & Firebase Setup

Part 2 - Authentication #

Part 2 - Authentication

Part 3 - Subscribing to Notifications #

Part 3 - Subscribing to Notifications

Part 4 - Creating & Saving Messages #

Part 4 - Creating & Saving Messages

Part 5 - Sending Web Notifications #

Part 5 - Sending Web Notifications

Part 6 - Database Security & Optimisations #

Part 6 - Database Security & Optimisations

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